Law of Attraction and More

About Leo Collins

I started my journey as an author when I began writing comedy.  I first published political and satirical articles in 2006 under my stage name.  In addition to writing about spiritual matters under the pen name Leo Collins, I write articles on mental health topics and rock music for various websites under the name given to me at birth.

I became interested in metaphysics after watching the two-part miniseries Out on a Limb, based on the book by Shirley MacLaine.  The accounts of MacLaine's spiritual quest would have seemed too far-fetched for me to believe had it not been for the fact that it was told by someone who had no reason to make up such stories.  Why would such a famous and respected entertainer fabricate tales that would make her look crazy in the eyes of so many people?  Ms. MacLaine had many reasons why she would have wanted to keep such experiences a secret and it must have taken courage for her to go public with her spiritual experiences.

One of the first books I read on the topic of metaphysics/New Age was Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain.  This book introduced me to the Law of Attraction, even though, interestingly enough, the phrase "Law of Attraction" is not even mentioned in the book.  Still, it wasn't until I saw The Secret that I began the slow process of intentionally using the Law of Attraction in my daily life.

For me, the biggest internal obstacle was the fear of being disappointed if it didn't work.  Think about it.  Using the Law of Attraction requires you to get your hopes up.  As everybody knows, the higher your hopes are, the more disappointed you will be if you don't succeed.  Unfortunately, this is the way so many people go through life and it prevents them from attaining their full potential.  I didn't want to be disappointed, but I didn't want to settle for an ordinary life either.  I told myself that I would be able to handle the disappointment if the Law of Attraction didn't work.  I took the chance and I'm glad I did.

I hope you will find this website very informative and useful.  Thanks for stopping by.